I went to a weaving show this weekend, sponsored by
CNCH (conf of No calif handweavers). Thanks to a spot of car trouble, all I had time for was a quick dash through the vendor areas, but I did grab shots of these two exhibits: a modern Navajo-style rug loom, and an amazing rendition of what I assume was a Louis Comfort Tiffany stained-glass window, done as a rug.
Hokett Would Work - the H-shaped loom in cocobolo

Yarn barn of Kansas,
Great SCOT booklet-- this booklet offers a fascinating new set of techniques (based on research by Peter Collingwood, weaving and rug expert) for creating interesting cords which could be used for necklaces, bracelets, and other adornments.
The Dizzy Ewe, dyed roving -- 5 sets of related colors
http://www.dizzyewe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=63, ruth@dizzyewe.com
(909) 944-5567

Beautifully crafted and finished small looms, shuttles, etc.
Northwest Looms, 308 West Idaho St., Cheyenne, WY 82009, website
http://www.northwestlooms.comemail klissus@msn.com

(307) 638-8003
eight-shaft, 15" weaving width, $490
offered in 8, 12, and 16 shaft models, ranging in price from $350 to
$600 for maple and oak; also available in cherry and walnut
Reeds available for 8, 10, 12, and 15 dents per inch, $28-$38
Prices do not include shipping
Clamp loom
2779 Hillcrest Dr, LaVerne CA 91750

-- Rachel Holmen